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I teach Divine Intentional Healing, as well as Karuna Reiki Master at Retreats in Shaver Lake, Santa Cruz and Mt. Shasta among other locations. I have been led to teach these modalities in this format due to the intense level or release and healing that traspires while learning and being aligned with these frequencies. I began doing this in 2017, with a Reiki Master Retreat in Mt. Shasta. Oh boy was THAT alot of energy! LOL! It was a humblng and majestic experience for me as a Teacher and a witness to huge Spiritual Growth. After that Retreat I realized how important it was to be together as a group, have comfortable & stress free housing, plenty of rest & great food prepared fresh daily. There are many releases that occur while learning and meditating to create space for these new energies & modalities. Self care & down time is important, and what better place to do that than at a Retreat!!!! I have seen miracles happen, paradigm shifts, healing and many eye opening moments and the many Retreats I have held since then, and I plan at least 3 a year, soon going up to 4 or 5. I have a scholarship fund to assist Students a bit financially each Retreat, and created it with a best friend who was my Angel on Earth, she sadly got her wings in 2018. It is called the Kim Cochran Scholarship Fund, and it is she and Medium Elisa Moffitt who chose 1 recipient each Retreat. I don't teach these 2 Healing Modalities any other times besides my Retreats, and I am so very grateful that I agreed with the Angels to go forward with them! 

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