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The Crow's Nest

As I sat on my back patio this morning with the intention of resonating with Mother Earth, my head was turned upward to the tippy top of my neighbor's tree. There I saw a mother Crow feeding her babies in their nest! I was, and still am, amazed at how high the nest is,(about 150 feet up) and as it sways back and forth in the wind, it is so safe for their little family ♥ It is always interesting to me how Mother Earth speaks to me-right before my head was turned upward, I had a moment of panic due to the fact that we have Opossum living in those trees, and I know that Hummingbirds nest in there as well. As I envisioned the Opossums stomping all over the Hummers nests, I became sad and my Guides turned my head to the Crow's nest ♥ I sensed an energy of love and safety and life, and knew all was well. I just finished having lunch on my patio (i am taking a lazy day off!!!), and once again my head was turned up high to take note of the Crow's nest. Mommy was speaking to her babies in a very soft, uncrow like voice and then she took off slowly into flight. She is trying to teach them to fly!!! Well, they did not follow her, and when she returned to the nest they had a baby talking yellfest at her! So cute.....then she flew across my path yelling the whole time-I told her that I know exactly how she feels as a Mom and it is okay ♥ So blessed to be able to see and acknowledge what happens around me. Jess ♥