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Give Thanks

Thanksgiving......a Holiday where families get together and either fight, drink too much, have alot of fun, or those without families try to ignore what is going on. What will you be doing on this day of "Thanks"? My Dad always told me to "make it your own", whether it be in business or a writing project in school. Since both of my parents are on the Other Side, my husband, daughter and I usually do something random on Thanksgiving-our "new" tradition. I choose not to fall into the energy of having to cook, socialize, fight or do the same thing year after year since I am left to figure out new traditions for my Family. Why change traditions, you wonder? Because the traditions that I grew up with stopped working for me when I was a teenager (a looooong time ago), and now since I am the Matriarch of my Family, I can choose to change things up a bit. So many of us feel pressured or sad during the Holidays-it is time to let that go. Let it go. There is no need to fall into the commercialism, or expectations of others surrounding the Holiday Season of November and December. Make it your own, change the energy-I bet you are not the only one who would appreciate that! If you are alone this year, remember-you are never alone. You have friends who love you, family members somewhere who hold you in their Heart Center, and of course-your Angels and Guides are with you at all times.  Get into gratitude and give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon you-no matter big or small, they are precious and just for you!

Happy Thanksgiving-Jess