We Get to Know You

We get to know you
The Client-Healer relationship can be a mystery, and be built quickly. Partly because of the fact that it is a business transaction-yes, I typed that…..But more importantly, it is a relationship filled with trust and communication, which calls for vulnerability on both sides. I also believe that due to confidentiality and the fact that Healers cannot discuss Clients with others, this builds a bubble around the relationship as if the two of us are the only ones that know what goes on during a session. We do, we get to know you.
Clients ask many questions-such as how their Chakras get blocked, what messages are coming through, how to support their treatment once they get home, how to clear a Crystal, which Meditation is best for them on YouTube, etc. (I do this to my Healing Team as well.) They want to be on the path to their Highest Good, and trust that I and others will support that intention. Sounds like there’s a bit of pressure with that? Nah, it is an honor to hold space and nurture Client’s intentions. To be able to witness and validate the shifts that occur from each Session is perhaps the most humbling and beautiful part of my job, and my Clients are some of the bravest individuals I know. This is how we get to know you on an entirely different level than anyone else in your life. We do, we get to know you.
At times there can be intense and intimate discussions within the Client-Healer relationship; it happens when Clients feel comfortable and safe. This is an aspect of releasing or letting go of energetic blocks, and where deep trust comes in. We do, we get to know you.
On an energetic level, I am literally within my Client’s Aura for over an hour as I channel Reiki or Divine Intentional Healing through my hands and Chakras. My Clients give me permission to be in their Aura for that long, and to me that is being closer than even the best hug! More beautiful is that the Client’s Soul is willing to receive, in order to stabilize the frequency of the Client due to the releases during the session. That is trust. We do, we get to know you.
And you get to know us too.
Namaste, Jess