My Next Retreat!

Divine Intentional Healing Retreat 2020 Join me March 27th-29th, 2020 Shaver Lake, CA To learn the new healing modality, Divine Intentional Healing!!!! You will learn how to align with and channel healing energy from 5 of the Arch Angels, in order to raise your level of self care and pass the healing on to others in your life. Retreat will include: Room and board Fresh food made on the premises Morning Mantras & Movement Walks around the Lake Learning D.I.H. Healing and more Healing!!! At a cost of $454.00 There is a non-refundable $150 deposit due by December 31st, 2019, with the non-refundable balance of $304 due by February 26th, 2020. RSVP as soon as possible-space is limited! Jessica Garcia The Energy Flows 559-905-7229