How We Sense

The ‘Clairs’ of the Spiritual World are how we sense the energies around us. I find that there tends to be much frustration during Spiritual growth due to the misunderstanding of the Clairs, because we all speak and perceive differently. As I see it, how we sense different frequencies/energies is how our Soul and Spirit communicate with us. We are all capable of aligning with the 7 or more Clairs, since they are an inherent part of us, most are dormant until we ascend into a higher frequency. Sensing is dealing with frequencies that oscillate faster than the speed of light or sound, there is absolutely nothing intellectual or physical about it.
For example, Clairvoyance is Vision-sight through the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras, dreams, astral travel, orbs, flashing or sparkly lights, shadows, colors, etc. The key to understanding and tapping into this Clair is to realize that what you are ‘seeing’ is an energetic image in your head Chakras, not ‘seeing’ with your physical eyes. It is the same as imagining/daydreaming about your dream car-you imagine all the details, colors, size, brand, engine size, sound, smell, everything. And you see it in your mind! This is how Clairvoyance occurs as your Guides and Soul present you with an image in your mind’s eye. This can also be a downfall for many as they question if it is only imagination or truly Clairvoyance. My answer is to trust your intuition and think about if you could actually imagine what you are seeing. Chakras associated with Clairvoyance are 3rd Eye, Crown, Causal and High Mind. Crystals that clear and support this Clair are Amethyst, Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Eudialyte, Magenta Fluorite and Lepidolite.
Clairsentience is Feeling-frequencies of people, places and things. The difference between this and Empath is that an Empath can perceive the frequencies as their own and even take on felt frequencies and become overwhelmed. Feeling is sensing the presence of Guides, Angels, Emotions, Disease, changes in Temperature and Air in a room, others Auras. It is a form of Empathy, only much more controlled and grounded in perception, making it easier and quicker to sense what is going on and knowing that your emotions are not being affected by it. The Chakras associated with Clairsentience are Heart and High Heart. Crystals that can clear and support this are Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Jade, Pink Kunzite and Ruby.
Claircognizance is Knowing-intuitive, not knowing how you know it, channeling messages from Guides, having that ‘I knew it!’ feeling, intuitively knowing something that you know absolutely nothing about. Medical Mediums and Trance Channels are examples of this Clair. Chakras associated with this are Crown, Causal, Soul Star & Stellar Gateway. Crystals that can clear and support this are Apophyllite, Sugilite, Amethyst, Blue Kyanite, Ajoite, Papagoite and Celestite.
Clairaudience is Hearing-receiving sounds, verbal messages, high pitched ringing, static, white noise, bells, a voice calling your name, telepathy and voices other than your own. Your Soul assists with perception of these messages and sounds and you are then able to have clarity around this. Chakra associated with this Clair are Ear Chakras above each eyebrow. Crystals that can clear and support Clairaudience are Phantom Quartz, Ametrine, and Blue Kyanite.
Clairgustance is Taste-perception of a certain taste in your mouth that is sensed with the help of your Guides. This ‘taste’ then leads you to a message or validation of a thought. Many Mediums have this Clair, which supports the validation of who they are Channeling. Chakras associated with this Clair are Throat and 3rd Eye. Crystals are Clear Quartz, Clear Calcite, Larimar, Aquamarine and Azurite.
Clairsalience is Smell-receiving images with scents that validate or remind you of a Person, Place, Thing or Time in your life that is relevant to what is for your highest good at any moment. Many Mediums also have this Clair to validate who is coming forward during a reading. You may also ‘smell’ your cat when your cat is not with you or may be deceased, this reminds you of the love and connection you have or had with the cat. Chakras associated with this Clair are Throat and Causal. Crystals that can clear and support Clairalience are Larimar, Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz.
Clairtangency-Psychometry, feeling and sensing the energetic imprint left on an inanimate object. Mediums tend to have this Clair and hold an object that once belonged to who or what they are communicating with. There are energetic imprints on every object from the owner, or whomever had an object last. At times there are layers upon layers of energy involved on objects, with the most dominant one being sensed at any moment. Chakras associated with this Clair are Hand, 3rd Eye and Crown. Crystals that can clear and support Clairtangency are Smoky Quartz, Rainbow Fluorite, Azurite, Amethyst and Sugilite.
As you can see, there are many ways in which you can ‘Sense’ life and your Guides presence, and maybe you even know that you have 1 or all of these Clairs. They can be used to soothe, ground and support decisions and Spiritual Growth-always for the highest good and not for personal gain. When working with your Clairs it is also important to ground yourself before, during and after-Lodestone, Hematite or Black Tourmaline are best for this.