AA Metatron

After hanging out with ArchAngel Metratron a bit, as usual he rings true, not only for me-but for many of you as well! "Hello My Dearest! Breathe, breathe in and allow your frequency to rise with the sensation of your air inside of your human vehicle. Whilst you breathe, visualize my Sacred Geometry, 'Metatron's Cube', flowing freely as does your blood cell, as does your fluids within, your tissues & your heartbeat. The Sacred Geometry frequency I hold is the key to the infinite fractalization of infinity itself. I shall not overwhelm you with my frequencies, instead I will assist you in sensing movement and flow-both Physically & Etherically. The key to integrating this is to connect with the Original Blueprint that you came in with this lifetime. This is in the frequency of the Root Chakra, where integration of Metatron's Cube oscillates with the Blueprint and DNA forms an entire Being created by the infinite Vortex of the Chakras. Please call upon me, ArchAngel Metatron to assist at any time. Blessings & Honor. Thank You."