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Monthly Crystal

Going forward, I'll be featuring 1 (or more) Crystal a month & 1 ArchAngel. They'll be short teaching moments & shared on my website too!
My favorite, Aquamarine will be first-of course since it's my favorite!
Aquamarine is a form of beryl, which is a beryllium aluminum silicate & toxic so use the indirect method while creating Crystal Water with it. Since it's a silicate, its hardness is around 8, meaning you don't have to take off your ring while washing your hands or doing the dishes. Aquamarine was first used in Greece between 300-500bc, to adorn jewelry & shields and to fight fevers by placing it on the head. The element associated with Aquamarine is water, and the translation is water of the sea. I love the high frequency of flow with it, and also the cooling effect it has on the Emotional & Physical bodies so healing can occur at those levels. It's also a wonderful cleansing Crystal, supporting the 'cleansing' glands & organs of the body-Liver, Kidneys, Gallbladder, and any inflammation that is present-both physical & energetic. The Throat Chakra (throat, neck, immune system, vocal cords, tonsils, thyroid issues) & communication are the most resonant with Aquamarine, but it also supports any excessive Sacral Chakra issues since it is a water element as well. That includes overactive sex drive, diarrhea, extreme menstrual or prostate issues, over emotional, OCD, bladder leakage, sexual trauma, and nervous system disorders. It's also a Crystal ally for children who've been emotionally & physically abused, as it flows gently yet consistently & integrates well with them due to the silica component. I hope you've learned a little something about this beautiful Crystal that you didn't know before!
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