Healing is not Curing

I had a beautiful conversation with a Client the other day, and I am grateful for her awareness due to that being the result of the Oncology Reiki and Divine Intentional Healing over the past year. She came to me as a referral from another Healer who knew that I did Oncology Reiki, and she was hopeless, at the end of her rope…..She just wanted help, and to not be filled with hopelessness. I have been in business for a long time-but I am only human and felt alot of self imposed pressure. All she wanted to do was to go to an Elton John concert and 2 vacations, and if she was lucky she wanted to host 1 last of her infamous Xmas parties. She came to me wanting to emotionally feel better, so she and her family could enjoy time, and they would be ok. That is exactly what she received-over and over again. During her last office visit (I will be doing house calls from now on), she thanked me for all that we have done together so far, especially “her” Crystal Bowl-which she looked forward to every 3 weeks! She then wanted to make it clear to me that initially she knew that OR & DIH were not “cures” for her, they were a chance for her to heal the parts of her that needed to be healed. I told her to get out of my head! LOL! I teach that alot in Classes and share with others as well. She was and still is grateful for what the Healing Energies granted her-time, her family coming into acceptance, healing with “her” Crystal Bowl, and a higher awareness of her life and those within it. I share these words with you because my beloved Client truly understood what Reiki, Crystals, Sound Healing and Angelic Healing is all about-Healing what needs to be healed. The Healing Practitioner holds space while Healing Frequencies are channeled into and around the Client. Any good Practitioner will tell you that as they Channel, the physical body comes to a point of complete relaxation due to the nervous system being slowed down. This state of relaxation allows the Physical and Emotional Bodies to release the blocks that are causing distress in the Body/Mind/Soul. Healers are not surgeons that can operate and remove Tumors and Bone Spurs-but we can do Energetic Surgery in order to cut or release the energy continuing to cause the issue. Reiki is Spiritual Life Force Energy, that has an innate sense where it is needed, and our Physical Body also has that innate sense of flowing into optimum health at that time. This is how healing works-it is not a cure. Believe me, I wish it was a cure!!! I cannot pick and choose what gets healed in my body or anyone else’s. There are too many variables at play; whether it be Life Chart, Highest Good, a person’s choice, or continued immersion in a toxic life. If we could pick and choose, we would live in Utopia and never die! All healing begins at the Etheric Level, then moves into the Emotional Level, then possibly into the Physical Level. Energy creates blocks, which create illnesses, which create issues all of sorts. So, it is necessary to focus on the Aura and Chakras, for that will cause flow into the organs and bones. Then maybe, just maybe we can focus on the physical even more. I am not the Ruler of the Healing Universe-I am writing what I know, what I experience and what I have been taught & teach others. There are many out there who will disagree wildly, and that is alright with me. I am grateful for my work, my teachings and most of all my Clients who remind me on an ongoing basis that Cure and Healing are 2 different aspects of life.