Thoughts on Doreen

Give Doreen a Break Jessica Garcia, June 2019 Many have asked me my thoughts on Doreen Virtue’s shift in ideology regarding Angels, Ascended Masters, Fairies, Oracle and Tarot Cards-basically her life’s work. She has publicly turned her back on this work due to becoming a Born Again Christian, and even speaks out against Cards and Angels being evil, trickery, etc. I have been asked about this topic many times because I am a clear and open Channel for the Angels and Higher Realms. She quotes the Bible and Jesus, and says that she is not making any money from her new work and beliefs. Many of her Students, Fans, Followers and Readers have been left confused and frightened over the last couple of years, not knowing what to believe or what to do with their Cards, Certifications, Meditations and connection with the Angels and Ms. Virtue. This Blog entry are my thoughts, insights and clarity regarding this issue. First off, it is important to remember that all Spiritual Leaders, including Doreen are human and have many of the same issues that the general population deal with on a daily basis. The difference is that they have a platform and have done deep work (most of the time) in order to ascend and become enlightened, and are led to pass that on to others publicly. I am cheering loudly for Doreen as she has found the healing frequency and life path that has finally given her freedom from the trauma of her past, and led her bring her life and healing to another level! Could this have been done by her and her team in a gentler and softer manner? Yes, most likely-but it did not happen that way. As a Born Again Christian, one’s life is modeled after the Bible and all else is put to the side. I am not an expert, but that is the short and simple form. She came out and used her voice, shared her newfound truth, and humbly retracted most if not all of the work she has done in her life, in order to share her story of finding Jesus and devoting her life to him. That is all she has done. She made a paradigm shift and shared her truth with the Public, and was judged and attacked by most of her devoted Tribe! I am not religious, but I do channel Jesus-the new chapter of her life sounds a bit like the life of Jesus, does it not??? Who are we to judge her? Those who are pissed off at her, I believe had been made to rethink about their own beliefs in Angels, Oracle, etc. If a person chooses to follow someone, learn from them and buy all of their products, they should be learning not emulating! I have been a fan of Doreen’s for years, I gathered the guts to come out publicly as an Angel Channeler, Psychic, Medium and more because of her. I probably have most of her Decks and Books, but that does not mean that I follow every word she says, or judge her due to something I might perceive as amiss or a wrong move. I am a fan, not a clone. What she has done for me may be different from what she has done for you, and I will not judge her new life path. I have completely turned my back on certain aspects of Healing Modalities or Guides-it’s called growth or Paradigm Shifts! Has my delivery always been gentle and clear-oh heck no….. I am a Channel for the Angelic Realm, Ascended Master Realm, Ancestral Realm and a few other Higher Realms, as well a a Card Reader. My outlook and understanding of what I do and love has not changed because Doreen’s beliefs have. What I know for sure is that the Higher Realms, especially the Angelic Realm, is nothing but a high frequency Realm that is filled with Angels and ArchAngels that want nothing more to do than teach us and help us heal from our traumas and free will. There are no low frequencies amongst the Angels and Ascended Masters-that is impossible according to ArchAngel Michael. And Tarot Cards? I love them!!!! Although I am more fluent in Oracle Readings, I love Tarot and have learned from some of the best! Yes, including Doreen Virtue. 20 years ago, I would have told everyone that they were nuts if they actually thought Angels could talk and could be seen! And I was a very Spiritual person even back then, but my path was different, just as healing and humble, but not filled with AA Michael and AA Metatron, etc. My point is, leave Doreen Virtue alone. She has made paramount changes in her life and spirituality-just like all the rest of us have, except she has done it publicly. She has finally received the healing and ideology that brings her even greater joy and peace than she ever thought. Who are we to get in the way of that?