Crystals for Self Love

Self Love Crystals
The other day, a friend posted a quick tidbit regarding an ex, and asked the best Crystals for self love…..She already had Rose Quartz & Amethyst with her, and I suggested Carnelian. It got me pondering-which ones are best for Self Love? Besides of course, the usual Heart Chakra choices-Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Jade, Bloodstone-let’s look at other options.
Pink Calcite is an underrated yet powerful jackhammer of a Crystal for shaking up the frequency of the Heart Chakra, perfect to create space for self love. Selenite is also very good in shedding light on the situation that is causing a lack or dip in self love, and once acknowledged the high frequency of Selenite will clear that block right out. Carnelian is a good one for the Sacral Chakra-and warm and nurturing Crystal for the Sacral Chakra, the center of lust/sexual energy/self worth/power. We can’t forget about the Sacral due to its involvement with trauma or romance-the stronger the Sacral frequency, the stronger the self worth and personal power. Amethyst is good for self love, in that it governs the Crown Chakra that opens up to the spiritual frequency of faith in something higher than ourselves, releasing the hold others may have on our Heart Center.