January 2021 Energy

January 2021 Angelic Energy
“Hello All! It is I, ArchAngel Gabriel, and I come forward today in order to compose a layout of the energy of this month!
You Humans have much going on this month, whether it be Political, Medical, Financial or Institutional. You may be wondering what the Angelic Realm observes regarding the upcoming Presidential Inauguration (and Vice President as well)-we are delighted to observe the multitude of you that used your Free Will in a positive & well served manner! Each and every one of you followed your heart and mind to vote for a candidate, which for some was the first time ever voting! Some of you are pleased, some are displeased which is normal and balancing. In saying all of that, allow me to speak of the energy, the energy of self awareness and self love-these are the main energies flowing through this month, with most of all of you using your voice, freedom of choice and being part of the essence of new Leadership. Will there be chaotic energy? Yes, of course-this brings the balance, and will further present opportunities for self love and nurturing yourself and others, for this is what will begin to balance the chaos in your Society.
This energy of self love and communication will continue with Medical issues at hand, since Free Will is driving the expansion of a contagious disease. Nearly all of you will either know someone or lose someone to this disease by February, and this will cause a greater understanding of the circumstances and a wave of compassion and love through house by house, City by City, State by State, Country by Country. It will take what it takes to teach the lesson that all of you are One-you all live upon the same Earth, yet you all are still very separate due to lack of love for one another. It is not up to Us to explain exactly what that means, it is up to you to step into the frequency of self love and communication and watch the miracle happen.
The same can be said for the energies around Financial and Institutional systems-as the economy continues to be a strain on your World, much awareness of others struggles will come to light, and compassion will overtake frustration and anger. One must have compassion for another to see similarities instead of differences. Again, this is created by self love in that you grow more aware and sensitive to others when you acknowledge love for yourself first and foremost! Since Financial is tied up tightly through many Institutional systems-Education, Correctional Facilities, Banks, County Facilities, etc., there will be an outpouring of support from the Public (you) and many beneficial changes will be implemented. All stemming from being more Heart Centered, filled with self love.
For the energy of this month, Self Love is very present and is a wonderful way to step into 2021, setting you up for extra support-from you! It will shine through your communication, self talk, meditations, and you will see and feel it in others as you resonate with familiar frequencies.
That is all for now-from all of Us in the Higher Realms, we honor you and love you.”
AA Gabriel