From Chaos to Compassion
Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 6:08PM
I had such a beautiful day today-taught Yoga, went to Trader Joe's, hung out at home, made jewelry, and then swam with Margarito & Pio. I needed that after the assassination attempt, holding space for whatever else was coming. I needed to clear myself in Yoga, which was really cool, then eat a veggie lunch, then float in the pool with my family-I am centered and present now. (and of course, listening my my Guides babble all day.) Many of us have lived long enough to remember Reagan, Martin Luther King Jr. and Kennedy (my parents never spoke of those 2 assassinations)-and the energy afterwards is different than any other frequencies. I know you feel it too. Months ago, friends started asking me what messages I was getting surrounding this Election Year, and it has been interesting because although every time my Guides check in with me they give me a stronger frequency building up to yesterday, they had to be vague due to Free Will, and they would give me the frequencies to feel and then speak of how one aspect always affects another, even stronger within communities/institutions-the same thing as is happening in our Political Arena. It has come to a boiling point and spilled over, burning people. There is much rhetoric on FB & CNN, but what is of most importance right now is to process through whatever emotions come up for you. When I felt that swell of lower emotions/shadow, come up and almost knock me over-I did not like that. I was not surprised at my reaction, I was surprised how shitty it made me feel, and how happy it made my Shadow Self feel in a somewhat vicious manner-the vengeful part of me, I recognize her right away now, which is a blessing! Process through your emotions, either journal or call a trusted friend that you feel safe with, meaning that they don't judge you. Or, you can do a mini water bowl ceremony-large bowl of fresh water, you can pray over it, sage it, Reiki it, bless it in your own way with the intention that the water will receive your breath. Then you can bring to mind any lower emotions, and blow them into the water, releasing them. Flush the water down the toilet and clean & sage the bowl. We are all connected, so when something like this happens there is a ripple effect, perhaps world wide, and we can be knocked out of entropy. Even to the point of our polarities being flipped, which makes it even easier for our Shadow Self to demand attention. People died, a Presidential Candidate was grazed by a bullet, Veterans in the crowd were triggered-that wave spilled over and is still spreading. Thus the importance of becoming centered if you are feeling the effects of yesterday-you can assist in the transmuting of those lower frequencies, even if only around you, it will have a ripple effect, continuing to resonate with others until it feels the need to stop. Think of it as reversing all of the chaos that our Society has been in the past 8 years. It boiled over, and you can also see it in other circumstances as well-the Colombia/Argentina game, the weather, Saturn & the lessons therewithin. It's all based on frequencies and the rise and fall of them. We are emotional creatures and it's like being on a roller coaster ride at times with the waves of chaos. I see chaos as a combination of all of our lower emotions, the totality of the Shadow Self, ourself. This combination builds and ruminates until it explodes into the calm after chaos (as we process through), and the calm is where compassion lies, allowing ourself to remember the connection to All and what it takes in order to stay in that beneficial frequency. That is our role as Spiritual People-to either hold space or transmute chaos since our frequency can be raised, as well as cleared with the tools we have or what we know to do. Compassion, I have compassion for Biden & Trump, they are in a horrible situation and I pray for the best outcome and the willingness to continue to be open for the highest good.
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