
Happy almost New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!
In the past, I have chosen a word for the year or an intention, etc.......I no longer do that because number 1 I forget what it is, and number 2 I like flow better! Flow......I will explain. It is important to me to flow from one space into another, whether it be a year, a place, an intention or life in general. I believe that one day, one moment flows into the next and in my eyes the end of 2020 flows right into 2021. Many of you want to close the door on 2020 and forget it ever happened-I get that, I hear you. But that is also like throwing away part of your life just because you didn't like moments of it! I personally am fascinated by the happenings of 2020-all of it, the political, societal, the financial, medical-all of it! 2020 has taught me perseverance, patience, discernment, courage, how to process anger, how to let go of people in my life, who is important to me, trust, and how strong my Spiritual foundation is. I would never want to turn my back on all of that! And here is the kicker-life as we have been living it the past 10 months is going to continue for a few more months, so how will you use this new year frequency coming off of a Cancer Full Moon to allow yourself to flow into 2021? Releasing with that Full Moon, being left with the yumminess of the lessons and hardships of 2020 can hold huge possibilities that will flow with you into 2021. No resolutions needed, intentions are great, a word of the year is great-but don't you think it will be a softer, gentler flow if the expectation is more aligned with where you are Spiritually & Emotionally? A circle cannot fit into a square-I believe that we cannot eat a diet of junk food for a year and 24 hours later go cold turkey and eat only greens & tofu-we would detox horribly and get sick and frustrated and go right back to junk food to feel better. Ease and flow is the way to go, see what is ahead for you day to day and stand in your light to meet each day at its fullest. This is what causes expansion and flow-this is what we want. Try to look at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 in this manner-you may be surprised at how you feel emotionally and energetically. Ease & Flow=Expansion, let's all continue to grow in our light and expand our perspectives from one day to the next!

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